Blood is the lifeline of every human being, and thus storing cord blood and stem cells are crucial for the safety of saving human lives. Therefore, many organizations, clubs, and unities always try to collect blood by organizing campaigns.
So, there is a chance that patients with emergency conditions can get blood in need. But getting cord blood is hard and rare. This is because 95% of cord blood is getting wasted these days. So, the emphasis of this article is totally on cord blood and its banking.
The modern world is constantly trying to develop its various innovation purposes, and medical science is not behind. However, cord blood banking is new and still under research; thus, there is very little chance that people will be aware of this purpose.
However, the importance of cord blood banking is huge. There are various reasons to consider cord blood banking to secure the future of your child and other family members.
What Is Cord Blood Banking?
Well, before we consider the importance of cord blood banking, we need to know what cord blood is and what the true purpose of its banking is.
Here we go!
Cord blood can be found in a newborn baby's umbilical cord and a mother's placenta. So, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for us to collect cord blood by cutting the cord after the birth of a baby.
Well, the collection of cord blood is simple and painless. Because cutting the cord is common after the birth of a child, and in the stem cells remain.

Reasons To Consider Cord Blood Banking.
Cord blood banking is important; there are a plethora of options to prove that. However, as there is a lack of knowledge, people are scared of it, and that's what we need to mitigate.
1. It Has Life-Saving Potential
In a world where problems are everywhere, if we find some resolution, we should promote that properly. Being an important source of stem cells, it has the potential to treat blood cells by replacing or rebuilding them.
Since 1988, when the first cord blood transplant happened, almost 30,000 cord blood transplants around the world have occurred. This particular data is very exciting to understand the importance of cord blood banks in Dubai these days.
2. It's Simple And Safe
Many people think the cord blood collection process is tricky and there is a life risk.
But the truth is something else!
Cord blood collection is simple and safe. It may take a maximum of 5 minutes for the healthcare providers to collect cord blood immediately after the birth of a child.
3. It Has The Cure For Various Diseases
There are almost 80 diseases that accept either cord blood stem cells or bone marrow stem cell transplants. These are standard as well as rare treatment processes for diseases like leukemia.
The rare conditions of such disease do not have many cures, and thus there is a chance to save a life with a cord blood transplant. Some known diseases are anemia, leukemias, and other immune deficiencies.
4. It Helps Future Research
There is no other way to research this particular process or medicine. We already know that the process of cord blood banking is very efficient in managing various critical diseases. Cord blood banking has the ability to store stem cells for a maximum of 15 years.
However, this area is under research, and there are many things we need to know and be sure about that need proper research. Only collecting cord blood from the umbilical cord and storing it can help to provide various research processes.
5. Different Advantages Of Private And Public Cord Blood Banks
There are two types of banks available in Dubai to collect cord blood: private and public. These banks have different intentions for storing cord blood.
Private cord blood banks store only for the people who provide the cord blood. In contrast, public cord blood banks do not store anyone's name but for the sake of public service. So, depending on your choice, you can go to various banks with various purposes.
What Are The Limitations?
The main limitation of cord blood banking is the unawareness of the people. Private cord blood banks have outnumbered public cord blood banks in Dubai, and thus, the process has become expensive for middle-class people.
So, it needs further research and understanding to improve the process of storing cord blood in the banks so that any person can use the features in the future.