Main image courtesy of Sunshine Clinic.
“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” - Glenn Close
If you believe you are suffering from trauma and PTSD the first step is to visit a mental health professional and get a diagnosis. If you are located near the Sudbury, Massachusetts area these are a few of the places to find mental health support.
- Transformations Care Network at Northeast Health Services
- Southcoast Behavioral Health
- Novum Psychiatry
Remember that if you are dealing with any mental health issue that you are not alone. Finding the right place to offer you the support you need is crucial.
There is this stigma around mental health in the United States, that you have to be secretive and not tell anyone if you are struggling mentally. It can be so beneficial to find a mental health professional and a support place to help you if you need it. Mental health is so important and it should not be something that is not kept a secret. We need to work together to help end this stigma because being healthy mentally is just as important as being healthy physically.
Think about it this way, if you break your arm you go see your doctor so you can get a cast and have it heal properly. It works the same way with your mental health, if you are struggling with something mentally it is important to go see a mental health professional to get you treatment if needed.
What is Trauma?
Trauma is something that occurs from exposure to an event or events that were emotionally disturbing or life threatening. These events have lasting effects on an individual’s health (both physical and mental), as well as their social, emotional, and/or spiritual well-being. Some experiences that can cause trauma include:
- Childhood neglect
- Living with a family member with mental health or substance use disorders
- Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse
- Poverty
- Racism, discrimination, and oppression
- Sudden, unexplained separation from a loved one
- Violence in the community, war, or terrorism
There are ways to help deal with trauma such as trauma-specific treatments from mental health professionals. This way if you are experiencing trauma you can get through it and be healthier.

What is PTSD?
PTSD is the abbreviation for post-traumatic stress disorder and it is a mental health issue that tends to start after a shocking event. PTSD can also sometimes be called shell shock or battle fatigue. However, the exact cause of PTSD is unknown but it can be triggered by any event that causes extreme fear, helplessness, or horror. It is known to occur after things such as:
- War
- Rape
- Physical assault
- Natural disasters - hurricanes, earthquakes, fires
- Sexual abuse
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Animal attacks
Some changes in the brain after injuries can also be linked to PTSD. It is important to note that not everyone who suffers through a traumatic event will develop PTSD. While for others the stress and anxiety of the situation can have lasting effects, long after the trauma occurs.
The symptoms of PTSD can last for a short period of time or they can last for months after the event. There are even some symptoms that do not start until 6 months after the event occurs. This is because PTSD can cause anxiety which can lead to things such as: Consult the Top Doctors in UAE, and contact therapist if these symptoms match.
- Avoiding reminders of the event, such as places, people, or situations
- Being easily startled
- Dreams or nightmares about the event
- Feeling detached or numb
- Flashbacks
- Intrusive memories
- And more…
One way PTSD can be treated is with therapy. The goal of this therapy is to reduce the effect of PTSD on everyday life. The steps taken for this therapy will depend on a case by case basis. Each individual case of treatment will be based on the specific needs of that person. Depending on what the specific needs are, this treatment can be short or long term. There are multiple types of therapy that can be used to treat PTSD and your mental health professional will be able to advise you on your best course of action for treatment.

Northeast Health Services
At Northeast Health Service (NEHS) they have multiple locations throughout Massachusetts that can be visited if you believe you may be experiencing trauma or any other mental health issue. One location which is located in Sudbury, MA at 144 North Road 01776. They also offer virtual appointments if you would rather not go in person.
The mental health professionals at NEHS are committed to helping you find the mental health support you need. They can even work with your existing healthcare team so you can get the most out of your treatment plan. The experts here are also committed to listening to you and providing you with the resources you need so you can live a healthier, happier life.
Southcoast Behavioral Health
At Southcoast Behavioral Health they treat multiple types of disorder, one of which is PTSD. Their location is at 581 Faunce Corner Rd, Dartmouth, MA 02747–which is close enough that they can be easily accessed from Sudbury, MA.
The Southcoast Behavioral Health professionals provide the highest quality of PTSD treatment for both adolescents and adults. They understand the emotional toll people with PTSD suffer with, this is why they supply life-changing care that can help alleviate PTSD symptoms which can allow those that are affected by it the ability to live a healthier, happier life.
Novum Psychiatry
At Novum Psychiatry the experts have a focus on the well-being of their clients through the whole length of their care. Their location is 111 Boston Road, STE 102, Sudbury, MA, 01776.
They strive to create spaces of safety and sensitivity with the professionalism to understand the unique background of every patient. Novum Psychiatry is there to help whether it is your first time seeking mental health help or if you are just seeking a new provider. Their highly-trained psychiatrists and therapists offer outpatient psychiatric care that is both comprehensive and confidential.
Treatment for trauma and PTSD
One main therapy treatment for PTSD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This is a type of psychotherapy used to treat PTSD as well as other mental health issues. CBT has a main focus on the relationship of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. As well as taking note of how changes in any one of these can have positive effects on the other two. The target of this type of therapy is on current problems and symptoms which is typically delivered over 12-16 sessions with a therapist either individually or with a group. However, this is not the only treatment for PTSD. A mental health professional can help you with the right treatment option based on your individual case.

Remember that you do not have to suffer alone. There are people around that care about making sure you have the treatment you may need so you can live a happier and healthier life. It is all about finding the right course of action to help you. One treatment plan for one person may not be the same treatment plan for someone else. That is perfectly okay because each case should be treated individually based on the person. There are lots of other places that offer support around the Sudbury, MA area. You do not have to go to any of these three specifically. Find the best support place for you!